Saturday, 3 December 2011

Opportunity knocks.....or does it?

Recent days have seen the subject of youth unemployment hit the headlines. With government quoted figures of over a million out of work 16 to 24 year olds the subject is a hot topic for debate. The politicians and the general public alike have been quick to respond, with all commentators presenting a variety of causes and solutions. What I have often noticed in situations like this is that people are often quick to point the finger and criticise. While I believe it is true that the government does need to act, as they have a clear responsibility to, and some of the ideas they are presenting may help, I do believe that wider society in general (that’s you and me) has to shoulder some of the responsibility.
The government has said that its new intervention plan aimed at combating the problem will provide some form of solution for around 400,000 of those affected. But what about the other 600,000 + who don’t fall into this bracket? That’s where the rest of us could potentially have a role to play. When I was 18 I had just finished sixth form. I came away from both compulsory and further education with little more than 5 very average GCSE’s and had very little in the way of work experience. To any potential employer I was by no means a catch. This meant that at some point I had to rely on someone to give me a break. Take a risk. Throw me a bone. Call it what you will, but without someone giving me the opportunity, I had no way of proving my true potential and value as an asset to the work place. I was blessed with such an opportunity and while it was not the best paid position in the world, it was a foot on the first rung of the career ladder.
I believe that every single one of us has the ability, either through advice, assistance or paid work, to give young people today an opportunity to be something more than just an unemployment statistic. Sure, young people have to make the decision to engage, but if the opportunity is not available then there’s not much of a decision in the first place. Most of us, maybe all of us, had to be given some form of an opportunity to get to where we are today. Someone took a chance and saw something in us. Ask yourself the question, do you offer the same opportunity to the young people you encounter?
Just one more thing.........This past week has been one of collapsed currency talk and projected financial misery in both the UK and Euro-zone. As a result I found myself slipping subconsciously into a mode of negative outlook and dull thoughts for the future. Then I remembered the millions of people living in abject poverty around the world and thought “perspective Conrad, perspective!!!”   

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